P.E.R.T for Dual Enrollment

  • Introduction

    The purpose of Florida's Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (P.E.R.T) is to adequately assess your academic skills in mathematics, reading and writing through the delivery of three assessments, one for each of these areas.  The results of these assessments are used to determine your placement into appropriate courses at your college.

    You cannot pass or fail the P.E.R.T. -- it is only used to determine which courses are best for you.  While it doesn't impact your grades, we encourage you to take the P.E.R.T. seriously so that your course placement is accurate. 

    How the P.E.R.T. Works

    The P.E.R.T. assessments are computer-adaptive, which means the questions are chosen based on your answers to previous questions.  You will not be permitted to change your answer once you have moved on to the next question or leave a question unanswered.  However, all of the P.E.R.T. assessments are untimed so you have as much time as you need to consider each question before submitting your answer.  If you do not know the answer to a specific question, you are encouraged to try and answer the question by eliminating one or more of the answer options and then select from the remaining choices.

    You will not be allowed to bring a calculator with you; however, for certain questions, a pop-up calculator will be available for your use. Check with the testing coordinator for what to bring or not to bring with you on test day.

    Your scores on each assessment will be available immediately after you submit and your guidance counselor can provide you with the results upon request.

    Scores needed to be Dual Enrolled:Image that says goals

    Math: 114
    Reading: 106
    Writing: 103


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