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Connecting to Home WiFi

Connecting to WIFI at Home

 Student Laptop or Windows PC

  1. On your computer sign on page or lock screen, locate and click on the network connection icon. It should look like one of these two icons: WIFI Connection or No Internet

  2. From the list of connections that appears, choose your home WIFI and click Connect. (You may need to enter your home WIFI password)

  home Wifi


Student iPad 

  1. On your Student iPad, locate and tap the Settings app. 
    iOS Settings App

  2. On the left side of the Settings page, tap on the Wi-Fi settings option. 

  3. Then on the right, tap on your home WIFI. (You may need to enter your home WIFI password)

 Wi-Fi Settings page


SDOC Provided Hotspot

If you do not have home internet, please reach out to your school to see if a hotspot is available for your student to borrow. The hotspot will provide your student with an internet connection to do schoolwork.

  • To connect to an SDOC issued hotspot, just follow the direction above for PCs and iPads.  
  • For hotspot access support, please contact your school's tech or the help desk for specific connection issues.
  • To get additional support on an issued hotspot, you can also call the T-Mobile 1-800 number on the side the device.