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St. Cloud High FCCLA Marches Against Domestic Violence

On October 3, 2019, the St. Cloud High Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) participated in the annual Domestic Violence March sponsored by Help Now. The march was held in downtown Kissimmee and was attended by many people including the Osceola Sheriff’s Department, Kissimmee Police Department, St. Cloud Police Department, Representative Darren Soto, employees of the Help Now women’s shelter, survivors and their children, and many community members.

The evening began with several survivors speaking about their journey and what it took for them to be in a safe situation. They often relied on the Help Now shelter which provides help for victims of violence. Women and children can stay in the facility for a short period or up to three months. The students were able to get a firsthand view of what domestic violence can do a family and children. We want students to understand what a healthy relationship looks like and to immediately reach out for help if there are warning signs. Teen dating violence can also be an issue and we want students to be aware.

After the presentations, each FCCLA member had a chance to participate in releasing the butterflies provided by the Psi Chi chapter at UCF, led by Betsy Gallardo an FCCLA alumni. They were a symbol of women escaping from violence and being strong and free. Then we began the mile long march up and down the streets of downtown Kissimmee. You could hear the students chant, “Love is NOT Abuse, Love is RESPECT”, and they knew they were making a difference by supporting the victims and educating themselves. When we reached the Kissimmee Police station, we were involved in the candlelight vigil for women and children lost to domestic violence. It was an evening the FCCLA members will not forget.