Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)
PBIS is a program to support students by showing positive behavior throughout the school. Students are rewarded with Cat Cash that can be used to purchase items from the Cat Cash Store, participate in monthly PBIS activities, and/or classroom incentives.
Students earn Cat Cash by following the school wide ROARs expectations.
R: Respect for All
O: On time, on task
A: Achieve my best
Rs: Responsible and Safe Citizen
The activities for the 2023-2024 school year:
9/29 Sports Day (Basketball/Soccer)
10/27 K-2 Craft Day and 3-5 Game Day
11/17 Turkey Trot with a joint activity
12/15 Polar Express Day
1/26 Sports Day (Volleyball/Kickball)
2/23 K-2 Craft Day and 3-5 Game Day
3/22 Jellybean Jog and joint activity
4/26 Sports Day
5/24 Field Day and joint activity
PBIS – Positive Behavior Intervention & Support
Benefits of Family-School Collaboration
• Family-school collaboration results in positive outcomes for children, families, and teachers and may be particularly beneficial for families that are culturally, linguistically, and racially diverse.
• Key strategies for promoting equity in family-school partnerships include developing relationships, two-way home-school communication, and shared decision-making.
When family-school collaboration is effective, it creates better communication, and a shared responsibility between families and schools. It also improves the well-being of children and adolescents in the areas of academics, social skills, behavior, and mental health outcomes.
At the beginning of each school year, teachers and students work together to learn our School-wide Expectations:
R- Respect for ALL
O- On time, On task
A- Achieve My Best
Rs- Responsible and Safe Citizen