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6 SDOC Schools Named By the Florida Department of Education as 2022-23 Schools of Excellence
Schools of Excellence
Section 1003.631(1)(a), F.S., requires the State Board of Education (SBE) to designate a school as a School of Excellence if the grade calculation is in the 80th percentile or higher for schools comprised of the same grade groupings (elementary, middle, high and combination) for at least two of the last three school years. In 2022-23, 783 schools were designated as a School of Excellence. Of these schools, 658 maintained their designation from 2021-22, 37 renewed their designation, and 88 were newly designated in 2022-23.
Elementary Schools (PDF), Middle Schools (PDF), High Schools (PDF), Combination Schools (PDF)
A School of Excellence is extended the following administrative flexibilities outlined in the statute:
·exemption from any law or rule that requires a minimum period of daily or weekly instruction in reading;
·principal autonomy as provided under s. 1012.28(8), F.S.;
·instructional personnel may substitute one year of employment at the school for 20 in-service points, up to 60 points total in a five-year cycle, toward the renewal of a professional certificate;
·exemption from compliance with school district policies establishing times for the start and end of the school day; and
·calculation of class size compliance based on the average number of students at the school level.
Congratulations to Celebration K-8, Harmony Community School, NeoCity Academy, Osceola School for the Arts, Osceola Virtual School, and Professional and Technical High!