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  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Qualifying for a Test Waiver and College Application Waivers

    If a junior or senior qualifies for free/reduced lunch, the student qualifies for the following:

    College Application Waivers
    ONE SAT waiver (covers the cost of TWO Saturday test dates)
    FOUR ACT Waivers

    Where can I complete the free/reduced lunch application?

    You can visit the school district website to complete the lunch application at https://www.osceolaschools.net/Page/2169.  You must re-apply for free/reduced lunch every school year.

    How do I register for the SAT, ACT, CLT?

    Students must create a student account at the following websites and register for their exam and upload a clear photo. 

    Registering for the SAT: www.collegeboard.org

    Registering for the ACT: www.act.org

    Registering for the CLT: www.cltexam.com 

    How do I send my SAT, ACT, CLT test scores to my college/university?

    To access your SAT test scores, you need to log in to your collegeboard account and request your available test scores to be sent to your college/university.

    To access your ACT test scores, you need to log in to your student ACT account and request your available test scores to be sent to your college/university.

    To access your CLT test scores, you need to log in to your student CLT account and request your available test scores to be sent to your college/university.

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