AP Courses

  • Advanced Placement

    Advanced Placement Academics are upper-tier classes designed for students who want a more challenging coursework experience during high school. There are many benefits that accompany taking the more demanding classes such as the amount of intelligence you gain throughout the class. Opposed to Regular or even Honors classes, AP courses are at a more accelerated pace and go further in-depth in the subject matter at hand.

    AP is a nation-wide program that has a specific curriculum that all must follow in order to prepare you for the Advanced Placement Exit Exam at the end of the year.  If you pass this Test you would be granted actual college credit. Universities love to see a rigorous class schedule and definitely give you a higher chance of admissions into a University. However you must be a dedicated and determined student who is serious about their education in order to excel in class, otherwise failure is not a so distant outcome.  



  • AP Courses Offered at Liberty

    • AP English Language and Composition
    • AP English Literature and Composition
    • AP Statistics
    • AP Pre-Calculus
    • AP Biology
    • AP U.S. History
    • AP Macroeconomics/U.S. Government
    • AICE Psychology
    • AP Studio Art 2D
    • AP Spanish Language and Culture
    • AP Spanish Literature and Culture
    • AP Seminar & Research