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Hero & Positive Behavior Supports #RepTheP
The staff and students of Poinciana High School are committed to a culture of positive behaviors. Students are able to earn Hero points for these behaviors on campus. Behaviors include: being on time for class, being on task in class and pride in dress. Student can use their Hero points weekly to purchase Eagle Nation Gear, spin the wheel at lunch for prizes, surprise and much more.
Positive Behavior supports reinforce for P.H.S. students that they are a part of our journey from "good to great!" Students also enjoy using their points to enter special ticketed events and athletic home competitions.
Kindness Certified

The Hero Holiday Store

Spin the Wheel

Ice Cream Social

Download the Hero App Now
The Hero Student App is blue and available on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store for Android devices. Students and parents use the same app to track positive behaviors and negative behaviors such as tardies and dress code violations.
Student Access
Students will need an Access Key the first time that they login to the Hero app. Students can pick up their Hero Access Key in the Cafeteria during the second week of school. After that, Access Keys for student login are available in Student Services.
Parent Access
Parents will need an Access Key (different from the student access key) the first time that they login to the Hero app. We will be sending Parent Access Keys home with students during the second week of school. Please be on the lookout for this paperwork to get access to our Hero app. After that time, parents may get their Access Key by contacting our Student Services Department. We can provide your Access Key over the phone.