Title I

  • The purpose of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 as amended by the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994 provides supplemental educational services for eligible public and private school students to assist those children in acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to meet challenging student performance standards. Federal legislation has provided guidelines for the selection of schools, for the selection of students, and for parental involvement. 

    To view our school's most recent Title I documents, please click: PNHS Title I

    For district Title I documents and upcoming Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) dates visit: Title I District Resources


    Here are just a few of the parent outreach events we provide at PHS!

    1. Open House – Parent Engagement Station
    2. EOC Parent Prep (2nd 9 weeks)
    3. Very Merry Parent Night (Dec.)
    4. AP/DE Parent Information Night
    5. Career and Tech Showcase Night (Jan. Curriculum Night)

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