Partners In Education Logo two hands shaking
  • Partners in Education (PIE) is a district-wide program linking schools and organizations together to make a positive difference for Osceola’s youth. While businesses used to be the primary focus of this program, in recent years we have expanded our partnerships to include faith-based organizations, community agencies, educational programs, civic groups, and non-profits. 

  • Submit Partner Interest

    If you or your organization are interested in learning more about becoming a partner, please submit the form by clicking on the submit button.

    Submit button



  • OVS Partner in Education Coordinator

     Jacqueline Rivera
    407-870-1445 Ext# 64091


    Through the Osceola Partners in Education Program, our community is making a positive difference for Osceola's children. Become a Partner in Education and help make students' dreams come true.


boy wearing cape with fist in air