Online Course Signup

  • Florida Virtual School

    All Florida high school students are required to complete one half (0.5) credit online course to graduate from high school.

    Online Course for Graduation:

    Poinciana High School recommends that students complete the online course graduation requirement prior to beginning their Junior year. Students may enroll, free of charge, with Florida Virtual School on their own time and work through the course at their own pace.

    Online Course Registration Instructions:

    1. Logon to Florida Virtual School at:
    2. Click "Sign Up" at the top of the page
    3. Click "New Students Start Here", then click on the Florida icon and select "Osceola" from the list of counties; then "Public/Charter School Student"; then "Continue"
    4. Find a course and select it (please review the recommended course list below)
    5. Complete the information in items #1 and #2; in item #3 choose "Osceola Virtual Secondary School", if possible
    6. Complete the "School Information" section carefully, as it is essential to receiving the course credit
    7. During the registration process you will receive a password; write it down; your password allows you to login to the course

    After selecting your course notify your school counselor via email. You school counselor will approve the course so long as you meet the enrollment requirements for the course.
    Once the course has been approved by your school counselor FLVS will contact you via email and phone to begin coursework.

    Recommended Courses to Meet Online Requirements:

    Driver Education & Traffic Safety
    Law Studies
    Parenting Skills
    Peer Counseling 1
    Personal and Family Finance
    Social Media 1
    Career Research & Decision Making

    Technical Issues: 

    Contact Florida Virtual School at 407-317-3326 Ext. 2567