• I.  Membership Categories

    • Realtor
    • Appraiser
    • Engineer
    • Architect
    • Landscaping Specialist
    • Accountant
    • Builder
    • Developer
    • General Contractor
    • Surveyor
    • Planner
    • Lawyer
    • Construction Trade Business
    • Or other field possessing such skills as would assist in the evaluation of capital expenditures

    II.  Qualifications for Membership

    • Resident of Osceola County or an employee of a company doing business in Osceola County
    • Proof of expertise/licensure in field represented
    • Currently not employed or under contract to provide services to Osceola County Public Schools
    • Demonstrated familiarity with and/or voluntary service to Osceola County Public Schools
    • Skills to assist

    III. Meetings and Attendance

    1. Any member who misses three consecutive meetings or more than 25 percent of the regular meetings during the year may be replaced by the school board.
    2. The board shall meet at least four times a year and elect a chairman and vice-chairman who will serve for one year.  The school district shall provide secretarial support. Attendance and minutes for each meeting shall be maintained and provided to members, the superintendent and the school board. The Board shall operate in compliance with Florida's Sunshine and Open Records Laws.

    IV. Duties and Responsibilities

    1. Review and report on the capital outlay budget, particularly as it relates to the expenditures of school impact fees and local sales tax.
    2. Review and report on issues and practices related to the fields of expertise represented on the board, such as site selection, construction, investments, purchasing, as requested by the superintendent or school board.
    3. Review and make recommendations regarding all reviews of the school impact fee ordinance and studies.
    4. Provide review and monitoring of the sales tax program.

    V. Appointment Process

    1. Applications will be solicited from the community at large, including civic and community groups.  Four recommendations for appointees will be solicited from the Board of County Commissioners and three recommendations from the School Board.
    2. Applications, including a brief resume, for school board appointments will be returned to the Chief Business and Finance Officer..
    3. The Chief Business and Finance Officer will submit qualified applicants to the school board. The school board will select appointees on a consensus basis.
    4. Throughout the year, applications will be accepted and kept on file to fill future vacancies. Qualified applicants will be provided to the school board for any vacancy which occurs.
    5. The school board appointee terms will begin September 1.  The county appointee terms date will begin December 1.          

    Rev. 10/06/2020