Returning Employees and the SDOC Employee Orientation Annual Requirement

  • All SDOC employees, including returning employees, shall complete the SDOC Employee Orientation annual requirement within the employee’s first twenty (20) workdays of employment each school year.

    The SDOC Employee Orientation is designed so that returning employees may complete this annual requirement more quickly if the returning employee can attest in good faith that the returning employee recalls and understands all of the essential SDOC policies, procedures, and expectations within the SDOC Employee Orientation.

    Returning employees may choose to complete our SDOC Employee Orientation annual requirement in one (1) hour or less time but shall understand that the returning employee’s acknowledgment/ electronic signature for each training module: 

    • is still required every school year; and
    • means that the returning employee has received, read, knows, and understands all of the essential SDOC policies, procedures, and expectations that apply to the returning employee’s work assignment and that are included within each module of the SDOC Employee Orientation.

    If any returning employee has any doubts about the returning employee's knowledge and understanding of the essential SDOC policies, procedures, and expectations that apply to the returning employee’s work assignment, then the returning employee must review the videos and re-read the SDOC Employee Orientation Companion Guide before completing the returning employee’s electronic signatures of acknowledgment within the SDOC Employee Orientation.