7 Fundamentals for Heat Acclimatization and Heat Illness Prevention
- Exertional Heat Stroke (or EHS) is the leading cause of preventable death
in high school athletics.
- Exertional heat stroke can be prevented through acclimatization and taking
basic safety precautions.
- Knowing the signs of exertional heat stroke and heat illness, and having an
emergency action plan in place can prevent serious illness and save lives.
Follow these 7 fundamentals to keep every player safe!
- Physical exertion and training activities should begin slowly and continue progressively.
An athlete cannot be “conditioned” in a period of only 2 to 3 weeks.
- Keep each athlete’s individual level of conditioning and medical status in mind and adjust activity accordingly. These factors directly affect exertional heat illness risk.
- With an increase in heat/humidity, especially if the heat and humidity level is a significant change from the previous few days:
- Decrease intensity of activity
- Increase frequency/duration of rest breaksReduce uniform/equipment
- Continue to closely monitor players in these changing conditions.
- Athletes must begin practices and training activities adequately hydrated.
- Recognize early signs of distress and developing exertional heat illness, and promptly stop activity for affected players and treat accordingly. Do not delay first aid!
- Recognize more serious signs of exertional heat-related distress. Immediately stop activity and seek medical attention by activating the emergency medical system. Begin on-site rapid cooling immediately.
- Develop an emergency action plan with clearly defined, written and practiced protocols. This should be in place before any emergency happens.
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